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Scholarship Information



Four $1,200 Scholarships Available Through Florida Supervisors of Elections

The Florida Supervisors of Elections (FSE) will be awarding four $1,200 scholarships in 2023 to college students majoring in Political Science, Public or Business Administration, or Journalism/Mass Communications. Putnam County Supervisor of Elections, Charles L. Overturf III, encourages all eligible students to apply.

This scholarship is open to Putnam County registered voters who have been enrolled or accepted in a Florida college or university as a full-time student and be at least a junior. To be eligible, the student must maintain a "C" average or above and have been a resident of Florida for the previous two years.

The deadline to apply for a scholarship is March 10, 2023. The link below contains the full guidelines and application. Each county will select one finalist to send to the FSE Scholarship Committee for consideration.

For further information, please contact the Elections Office at (386)329-0224 or email [email protected].

FSE Scholarship Packet 2023



Charles L. Overturf III, Supervisor of Elections, Putnam County

Address & Qualifying Office: 2509 Crill Ave, Suite 900, Palatka, FL 32177

P: (386) 329 - 0224 | F: (386) 329 - 0455 | H: M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Email: [email protected]