• Active Registered Voters:
  • Democrats:
  • Republicans:
  • Others:
  • Total:

Provisional Ballots

Check the status of your provisional ballot here. 


Notice of rights to provisional ballot voters:

  • A person casting a provisional ballot has the right to present written evidence supporting his or her eligibility to vote to the Putnam County Supervisor of Elections Offices no later than 5 p.m. on the second day following an election at 2509 Crill Ave., Suite 900  Palatka, FL  32177  (386)329-0224
  • In a primary election, it is important to contact the Supervisor of Elections office immediately to confirm you are registered and eligible to vote in the general election.
  • If you voted a provisional ballot because you did not have the proper identification, your ballot will be counted if your signature on the Provisional Ballot Voter’s Certificate and Affirmation matches the signature on your registration record and if you voted in the proper precinct. You will not need to provide further written evidence to the Supervisor of Elections.
  • Information about whether your provisional ballot was counted in the final canvass of votes, and, if not, the reasons why will be mailed no later than 30 days following the election. A provisional ballot voter may also contact the Supervisor of Elections office at(386)329-0224 for information on whether his/her ballot was counted. 

Charles L. Overturf III, Supervisor of Elections, Putnam County

Address & Qualifying Office: 2509 Crill Ave, Suite 900, Palatka, FL 32177

P: (386) 329 - 0224 | F: (386) 329 - 0455 | H: M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Email: [email protected]