• Active Registered Voters:
  • Democrats:
  • Republicans:
  • Others:
  • Total:



Generations of our families have been deeply affected by the various conflicts and wars our nation has fought. The global war on terror, which includes Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom, affects every single one of us today and continually reminds us of the freedoms we often take for granted - freedoms that our veterans fought for and freedoms that our military continues to fight to defend today. The sacrifices our veterans have made on behalf of this great state and nation stand as examples that emphasize the need for us to take our responsibilities seriously, especially our right to vote. The Putnam County Supervisor of Elections Office is pleased to provide the Vote in Honor of a Veteran program to our voters. Several other Florida counties and other states have variations of this program that are tailored to fit the needs in their communities. The goal of Putnam County's Vote in Honor of a Veteran program is to encourage voter participation among our entire voting population, as well as to have another avenue to teach our voting-age youth about the sacrifices our veterans have made and continue to make every day so that we may continue to live in a democratic society. By exercising our right to vote, we show veterans and service members the respect they deserve for protecting our democracy.  Veterans have always served us honorably.  Let's give them the recognition they have earned. The next time you vote, Vote in Honor of a Veteran.

How does the program work?

Veterans and family members of veterans who wish to participate will complete and submit a photograph and a short biography on a Vote in Honor of a Veteran Biography Form. The form may be completed by a family member of a veteran, a veteran, or by family members of deceased veterans or missing in action veterans. The veteran's photograph may be scanned into our computer while you wait (time-permitting) or you may return later to pick it up. You may also e-mail the photograph to us at [email protected].

All Putnam County voters are encouraged to Vote in Honor of a Veteran. Our hope is to personalize the voting experience for everyone and show our gratitude to those who have given so much to us all so that we may continue to live in freedom and exercise our right to vote.

A wall in the Putnam County Elections Office lobby has been designated as our Vote in Honor of a Veteran Wall, and each veteran's photograph that is submitted to the program will be posted on the wall.  All biographies will be kept in a book inside the elections office for interested citizens to view.


You don't have to be related to a veteran to vote in honor of one. You don't even need to know a veteran personally. You'll do your part by simply going to the polls at election time and casting your ballot in honor of YOUR veteran. It's that simple. Spread the word.

To add a veteran's photo to the Veteran Wall, a Biography Form needs to be completed by the veteran or by a family member.  Forms are available at the Supervisor of Elections office or by clicking this link:

Vote in Honor of a Veteran Biography Form

You may make copies of the Biography Form and distribute them as you wish.

Please understand that we are including all individuals who ever served our country, whether it is in peacetime or wartime; past or present.  We need your participation to make this valuable program a success.  Completed forms should be returned to the address at the bottom of the form.  If you have any questions, please contact Christen Mitchell at (386)326-7182 or by email at [email protected].

Charles L. Overturf III, Supervisor of Elections, Putnam County

Address & Qualifying Office: 2509 Crill Ave, Suite 900, Palatka, FL 32177

P: (386) 329 - 0224 | F: (386) 329 - 0455 | H: M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Email: [email protected]